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Why I Started Mariesah Mina Design During a Pandemic

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

It seems like a crazy time in the world to be trying to start an e-commerce business with this whole COVID-19 virus, shelter-in-place, and being pregnant with my second child. As crazy as it seems, this is actually the best time for me to start this adventure.

For starters, my husband is working from home and he's able to help out during the day with my regular daily routine such as walking the dog, dishes, laundry, etc. He's in sales so multitasking is pretty easy in his role. With him being home I have more time to design and create as time permits with my toddler.

Since I'm pregnant I'm taking this shelter-in-place pretty seriously. I only go outside if absolutely necessary. Before I started Mariesah Mina Design I was going stir crazy and having minor meltdowns several times a week from being bored or overwhelmed from my toddler. The poor kid is going crazy as well since he can't go outside either. Now Mariesah Mina Design is giving me something to focus on and helping with my mental health. Having something that's for myself gives me time to myself which makes me a better wife and mother.

There is also always a demand for baby clothing. Even during this pandemic, people are still growing their families and having babies. Personalized clothing is a cute way to announce a pregnancy, a name, gender, or birth. I have a passion for creating these items for my own children so why not try to share my passion with others.

Finally, I have the time! Before this virus and pregnancy took place I was (am) a flight attendant (currently on disability/maternity leave). I would fly approximately 15 days out of the month mostly Fridays-Mondays to limit the amount of babysitting during the week. Being a flight attendant may seem easy but it's also very exhausting. By the time I return home from a trip I am back to mommy mode which is also a full-time job. So I finally have the time and energy to devote my focus to Mariesah Mina Design.

After all is said and done, I'm happy and content with turning a passion into a business. It's a lot of hard work to try to create a successful business but I'm passionate about what I'm doing and that is why I started Mariesah Mina Design during a pandemic.

Stay Safe | Stay Healthy | Save Lives

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